摘要:It is my extremely sad duty to write to tell you that our colleague and friend Professor PeterBurnell passed away following a lengthy battle with cancer. Peter completed his undergraduateand MA degrees at the University of Wales before moving on to the University of Toronto, wherehe wrote his PhD, on the figure of the hero in Vergil's Aeneid, under Kenneth Quinn (1975). Hejoined the University of Saskatchewan faculty in 1983 and was a member, originally, of theDepartment of Classics (where he served as department head from 1994 until 2000) and, subsequently, of the Department of History (where he was Director of the interdisciplinaryClassical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Program from January 204 until June 205). Peterwas an internationally respected scholar of Latin language and literature, but in the later stagesof his career he focused particularly on the writings and thought Augustine of Hippo. His firstbook, The Augustinian Person, was published in 205 by Catholic University of America Press, tostellar reviews. His more recent work, The Incarnation and Moral Theology: Augustine and theCatholic Tradition, is currently undergoing a final reading, again by Catholic University of AmericaPress.