摘要:Palaeomagnetic results are presented for 205 samples of cores from the Książ Wielkopolski IG-2, Woźniki K1 and Patoka 1 wells, drilled in the Polish part of Germanic Basin. The magnetic polarity stratigraphy is based on the inclination of the characteristic remanent magnetization, isolated in 60% of the total samples and found to be in general agreement with the expected Late Triassic inclination at the sampling sites. A total of 22 magnetozones from the integration of the three records correspond to about 25% of the published polarity zones for the Upper Triassic sediments that were combined in the worldwide composite polarity-time scale. The magne- tic polarity pattern, defined for the Schilfsanstein, fits very well with the one defined in the Tethys area for the upper part of the Julian sub-stage. According to the magnetostratigraphic data, the uppermost part of the Upper Gypsum Beds (equivalent to the Ozimek Member of the redefined Grabowa Formation) and the lowermost part of the Patoka Member, containing the Krasiejów bone-breccia horizon, can be correlated with the latest Tuvalian (~228.5 Ma) or with the middle part of Lacian (~225 Ma). However, if the “Long-Tuvalian” option for the Late Triassic Time Scale is taken into consideration, the parts of these substages mentioned above should be correlated with ~221.5 Ma and ~218.5 Ma, respectively.