摘要:Middle–Upper Jurassic pelagic carbonates and radiolarites were studied in the Krížna Nappe of the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians, southern Poland and northern Slovakia). A carbon isotope stra- tigraphy of these deposits was combined with biostratigraphy, based on radiolarians, calcareous dinoflagellates and calpionellids. In the High Tatra and Belianske Tatra Mountains, the Bajocian and part of the Bathonian are represented by a thick succession of spotted limestones and grey nodular limestones, while in the Western Tatra Mountains by relatively thin Bositra-crinoidal limestones. These deposits are referable to a deeper basin and a pelagic carbonate platform, respectively. The various carbonate facies are followed by deep-water biosiliceous facies, namely radiolarites and radiolarian-bearing limestones of Late Bathonian–early Late Kimmeridgian age. These facies pass into Upper Kimmeridgian–Lower Tithonian pelagic carbonates with abundant Saccocoma sp. The bulk-carbonate isotope composition of the carbonate-siliceous deposits shows positive and negative δ13C excursions and shifts in the Early Bajocian, Late Bajocian, Early Bathonian, Late Bathonian, Late Callovian, Middle Oxfordian and Late Kimmeridgian. Additionally, the δ13C curves studied show a pronounced increasing trend in the Callovian and a steadily decreasing trend in the Oxfordian–Early Tithonian. These correlate with the trends known from the Tethyan region. The onset of Late Bathonian radiolarite sedimentation is marked by a decreasing trend in δ13C. Increased δ13C values in the Late Callovian, Middle Oxfordian and Late Kimmeridgian (Moluccana Zone) correspond with enhanced radiolarian production. A significant increase in CaCO3 content is recorded just above the Late Callovian δ13C excursion, which coincides with a transition from green to variegated radiolarites.
关键词:carbon and oxygen isotopes;radiolarians;calcareous dinoflagellates;radiolarites;Krížna Nappe;Western Carpathians;Tethys