摘要:AbstractThe deployment of hybrid model predictive control (MPC) in practical applications requires primarily an efficient and robust on-line Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) solver that runs in real time. In this paper we propose a new algorithm for solving MIQP problems which is particularly tailored to solve small-scale MIQPs, such as those that arise in embedded hybrid MPC applications. The algorithm couples a branch and bound (B&B) scheme with a recently proposed numerically robust Quadratic Programming (QP) solver based on nonnegative least squares (NNLS) and proximal-point iterations. The resulting MIQP solver supports positive semidefinite Hessian matrices, often appearing in hybrid MPC formulations, and warm starts with respect to both binary and real variables. We show that the speed of execution of our solver is comparable with state-of-the-art commercial solvers, while it is relatively simple to code in an embedded control system.
关键词:KeywordsMixed-integer quadratic programmingquadratic programmingactive-set methodsnonnegative least squaresmodel predictive controlhybrid systems