摘要:AbstractThis paper proposes a Linear Parameter-VaryingH∞(LPV-H∞) filter for the semi-active force of a Magneto-Rheological (MR) damper embedded in a Quarter of Vehicle (QoV) model. The LPV-H∞filter design includes the nonlinear phenomena of the shock absorber (saturation, hysteresis, semi-activeness, etc.) in two varying parameters. The polytopic LPV-H∞filter is quadratically stable, robust to the road disturbances, and oriented to reduce the estimation error of the semi-active damper force in a frequency band of interest. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed parameter-dependent filter in comparison to an algebraic MR damping force model. The estimation error is almost zero in all used simulation tests.
关键词:KeywordsLPVsystemsH∞filterSemi-active force estimation