摘要:The introduction of prolonged grief disorder (PGD)as a new disorder in the ICD-11 was greatly debated.Several researchers thought that it might pathologizea normal human response to loss (Wakefield, 2012),while others asserted the importance of correctlydiagnosing and treating a group of people who werein great distress (Prigerson & Maciejewski, 2017;Shear, Muldberg, & Periyakoil, 2017). Ultimately,this new diagnosis was included in the ICD-11 withthe aim to improve clinical practice and guide treatment planning but also to ignite high quality researchinto the nature of the disorder, the validity of diagnostic guidelines and the development of evidencebased treatment options (Maercker et al., 2013). Weare pleased to see that this important research isalready underway.