摘要:AbstractThe Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) connects nearly 5,100 MW of wind energy to its transmission system through dozens of wind energy projects located in the states of Oregon and Washington. These wind energy projects are producing large amounts of real-time data that need to be efficiently monitored and analyzed by BPA operators in order to combine and balance this variable source of energy with other energy resources to meet energy demands. To support wind energy monitoring, operations, and integration, visual analytics researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a visual analytics platform that is able to connect to existing wind operations data sources, fuse and integrate wind energy data, and efficiently serve integrated wind energy data to advanced web-based visualization tools. In addition, the visual analytics team has also developed a set of advanced visualization tools that are available through the visual analytics platform to directly support wind energy operations and analysis needs.
关键词:KeywordsWindrenewable energy systemsoperatorsvisual pattern recognitionhuman-machine interface