摘要:The management of hospital waste is of great significance due to its potential environmental impacts. The study was aimed at assessing the management of hospital solid waste in the Tamale Central and West hospitals. Purposive sampling, Semi-structured questionnaire and key informant interviews and Observation were the sampling techniques employed. Four units in each hospital were selected and the quantity of waste generated in each was determined by daily measurement using a head pan scale.The results showed that, Tamale West Hospital (T.W.H) generated a total of 247.11 kg whilst Tamale Central Hospital (T.C.H) had a total of 227.56 kg. Again, T.W.H generated a total of 11.89 kg/bed/day whilst T.C.H had 113.40 kg/bed/day of waste. Out of this, a total of 376.2 kg (79.26%) are general wastes, 35.9 kg (7.56%) are infectious waste, and 62.56 kg (13.18%) being hazardous waste.Results from the questionnaire revealed that, the hospitals still suffer from inappropriate solid waste management since 55% of respondents indicated hospital solid wastes were not segregated. Again, 57.5% of waste handlers do not receive training and 25% of them had suffered from injury.The study concluded that, the lack of institutional arrangements: improper oversight, policies and regulations at all departments, retard the effective management waste at these hospitals. The study recommends training becomes exigent for waste managers to create awareness on wastes and their effects and the Regional Health Directorate encourage the usage of color coding for segregation as recommended by World Health Organization.