摘要:A lot of waste is generated from each household in the form of solid waste, sludge that are disposed improperly. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of Pallavan Nagar of Kanchipuram Municipality was taken up for field investigation on waste collection, segregation, questionnaire survey, face-to-face interviews were employed among the residents for this study. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of 215 houses in the ambit of Pallavan Nagar, Kanchipuram Municipality was collected, segregated and weighted with the help of Hand in Hand - A Non Government Organisation (NGO) for a period of one month starting 13th December 2010 to 11th January 2011. Household waste was classified into eight categories viz., Organic matter/food waste, Paper and Cardboard, plastics, glasses, foot wares, cloths, and metals and miscellaneous. The study concluded that total amount of waste generation arrived with the available dataset was about 1632 kg/month. Among the classes Organic matter/food waste was highest (54.18%); miscellaneous (18.81%) and metals (0.40%). Waste generated from plastics resulted to (11.71%) and from foot wares (1.01%) and Methane and N2O emission from landfill was of 1.24 Gg/yr and 760 kg/yr. Results of this study established waste disposed during weekend period was relatively higher than weekdays. Proportion of waste like glasses, clothes, Paper and Cardboard and Card Board and foot wares are higher during weekends and low during weekdays. An appropriate planning of waste management has to be inculcated among the residents of Pallavan Nagar of Kanchipuram Municipality for a sustainable solid waste management.