期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
摘要:This study examinedthe vertical distribution of heavy metals in the core sediments of Lake Erikli,Turkey and their potential ecological risks. Two core samples 48 and 34 cm inlength were taken with a Kajak gravity core sampler. The samples were dividedinto 2 cm sub-samples in the laboratory and analyzed using ICP-MS. Theenrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk factor (PERI) and pollutionload index (PLI) were calculated to evaluate the environmental quality of the sediment.According to the results, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cr come from natural sources inboth cores and there is no anthropogenic contribution to the distribution ofthese elements, while some anthropogenic effects were detected for As, Cd andHg. According to the calculated risk index (CRI) for each metal, the potentialrisk of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, As and Cr is low. Two metals posing a threat to theecosystem were identified; Cd and Hg. PLI values significantly increased fromthe bottom of the slice to the surface in accordance with the EF and PERIvalues. Continuation of the pumping of domestic waste into Lake Erikli willaccelerate the process of deterioration.
关键词:Lake Erikli; Core sediment; Metal concentration; Ecological risk