标题:Phenomenon of Women Marginalization in Poor Family in Pakpak Community (A Case Study in Pegagan Julu Village, Sumbul Subdistrict, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia)
摘要:This study is taken from the study of marginalization cases experienced by Pakpak women of ruralpoor families. The study was conducted in Pegagan village of Sumbul subdistrict, Dairi, North SumatraProvince. The marginalization phenomenon is shown in some aspects, restrictions on women's access to formaleducation, tendency of dropping out of school having no in heritance rights and no role in the decision makingof custom. Related to this phenomenon, the research question of this study is how the process ofmarginalization experienced by women in their familyis. Marxist structural feminist perspective and qualitativeapproach with feminist perspective were used to answer the research question. The findings of the studyfinally, show that the structured patriarchy ideology as gender ideology in family becomes the cause of womenmarginalization. Patriarchy becoming gender ideological construction in Pakpak family is interpreted andexpressed in the form of private patriarchy that is a hegemonizing system or structure of men power that hasdominated and sub-ordinated social position of women in Pakpak families.
关键词:Marginalization;Pakpak women;family;private patriarchy;gender inequality;Pakpak community