标题:Evaluation of aquifer hydraulic characteristics using geoelectrical sounding, pumping and laboratory tests: A case study of Lokoja and Patti Formations, Southern Bida Basin, Nigeria
摘要:AbstractThe hydraulic characteristics of aquifers in Lokoja and Patti Formations were investigated using combination of vertical electrical sounding (VES), pumping and laboratory tests. A total of 20 VES (10 each in areas underlain by Lokoja and Patti Formations) were carried out at different locations with 5 pumping tests around VES stations in order to determine the geoelectric layers, thickness, depths to water table and groundwater potential of the area. 21 samples extracted fromaquiferous units of surface outcrops were also subjected to laboratory constant head and falling head permeameter tests in order to determine hydraulic conductivity (K) values using the Darcy’s law of liquid flow. The results of VES for areas underlain by Lokoja and Patti Formations revealed 4-5 geo-electrical layers. The depths to water table vary from 5.91-40.8 m. Thickness values are within the range of 7.37-27.3 m for aquiferous units of Lokoja Formation, and 10.8-20.1 m for the Patti Formation. The results of aquifer characteristics using Dar-Zarrouk Parameter gave hydraulic conductivity (K) values between 1.92-91.7 m/day and 2.15-31.8 m/day for aquifers of Lokoja and Patti Formations respectively. Transmissivity (T) values of the aquiferous units of Lokoja Formation fall within 24.97-2117 m2/day, while those of Patti Formation vary from 27.9-456.91 m2/day. There is a strong correlation between the values of measured and calculated hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity between measured and calculated transmissivity for the five wells (R2= 0.99 and 0.92, respectively). Based on the results obtained and interpretations proffered, aquiferous units in both formations are capable of yielding optimum groundwater for private consumption and partly to small communities, and to some extent can supply water for great regional use. It is suggested that similar study should be carried out in other sedimentary basins where to aid regional planning and management of groundwater resource.