摘要:The paper presents the examination of the degree of compaction of biomass material in the form of straw, depending on the temperature of the compaction process, the diameter of the pressing punch and the humidity of the compacted straw. The series of punch-sleeve assemblies characterized by the variable diameter of both the punch and the sleeve were used in the tests. For each diameter of the sleeve, a straw sample was compressed with a force suitable to obtain a compressive stress value in the sample cross section of 10 MPa. Each punch-sleeve assembly was adapted for installation on a strength machine, mounting temperature sensors and for mounting on the surface of a cylindrical sleeve, a coil heater. Wheat-rye straw was used in the research. The tests carried out are to constitute guidelines for the construction of biomass compaction machines.
关键词:enbiomassnatural polymersrelative densitydegree of compaction