摘要:In Indonesia RC structures are widely used for high rise, low rise, shop offices, as well as residential buildings. In February 2018, the first author introduced an RC beam design application for Android [12] for two options. Option one is for calculating nominal moment (Mn) and nominal shear force (Vn) of the section when the beam dimensions (b,h) and reinforcements are known; option two is to calculate the number of reinforcements forMnandVnwhen the dimensions (b,h) are known. In this paper, the first author added option three, namely the optimization for the design of RC beams when the internal forces are known and the application calculates the most optimal dimensions (b,h) and reinforcements. The application developed is named Civil Engineering Mobile Application for Concrete Beams (CEMA) and is called C2. In CEMA the user can follow the step by step calculation and the results of the calculation are stored in a database. For option three of CEMA (optimization of RC beam sections), the application was validated by another method called Teaching-Learning-based Optimization (TLBO) method [10]. It is believed that CEMA which is based on SNI 2847:2013 can be useful for Indonesian structural engineers designing and supervising actual construction RC buildings.