摘要:Conditions existing infrastructure needs to be maintained, it can be operated / function, so we need a good maintenance. Operation and maintenance activities carried out in a sustainable manner, to restore, optimize, and service live function according to design life. Assessment of the condition is a link between opration and maintenance functions. If the conditions are bad, then the operation will not be optimal, which could result in malfunction. In this research, case studies assess the conditions of student dormitory buildings with prototype design. Weighting component usingFuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Processas a method of analysis. The results of the analysis show that by using the FAHP method, the weighting of building components from the assessment of the subjectivity of expert respondents can be calculated. The result of this weighting Component can be used as a calculation factor of the value of the condition of the building, and can be applied to student dormitory buildings with typical design.