摘要:Impinging jets which interact with sharp edges like slotted plates can be found in ventilation and air conditioning systems. In some cases, these configurations can be a source of desirable sounds like in musical instruments. However, they can be a source of noise in other applications such as air conditioning systems. Thus in order to reduce the noise produced from such configurations a more profound study of the flow dynamics should be implemented. All previous studies of impinging jets on a slotted plate were done in 2D. Accordingly, the objective of the present study was to reconstruct the studied volume by combining stereoscopic PIV measurements and the POD method. Consequently, an experimental set up has been developed and implemented in order to generate a flow that hits a slotted plate. On the other side, the PIV technique was used in order to study the dynamics of such a flow. The kinematic fields of twenty two parallel planes are measured by means of stereoscopic PIV. Afterwards, the analysis of the most energetic modes was obtained by the application of the snapshot POD on the kinematic fields obtained by POD. The results showed that the reconstruction of each of the planes needed only three first three modes. The reconstructed volume is obtained by an interpolation of the reconstructed planes which were phased by a trigger signal. The analysis of the vortex structures were done by the application of several vortex detection criteria.