摘要:The Kyaikhto gold district is located within the Slate Belt and Mogok Metamorphic Belt of Southern Myanmar. The study area is covered by Carboniferous to Lower Permian metasedimentary rocks consisting of slate, phyllite, and schist of the Mergui Group, intruded by later igneous rocks. Four gold occurrences have been identified in the Kyaikhto district: the Kunzeik in the north, Zibyaung, and Thae Phyu Chaung in the center and Meyon in the south. Gold mineralization in the Kyaikhto district is associated with sheeted, stockwork, dissemination, and sulfide-bearing quartz veins. Ore minerals recognized include sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite with minor native gold and electrum. Two types of fluid inclusions were examined in the quartz samples of the Kunzeik and Zibyaung—Type A: aqueous carbonic fluid inclusions and Type B: aqueous fluid inclusions. At the Kunzeik, Type A fluid inclusions homogenize at temperatures from 296°C to 376°C with low salinities (1.6 - 4.6 wt% NaCl equivalent). The homogenization temperatures of Type B fluid inclusions in vein quartz range from 246°C to 312°C, with salinities of between 1.2 and 10.7 wt% NaCl equivalent. In the Zibyaung, the homogenization temperatures of Type A inclusions vary from 305°C to 378°C, with salinities from 4.6 to 9.6 wt% NaCl equivalent. The homogenization temperatures of Type B fluid inclusions mainly range from 242°C to 298°C, with salinities from 0.9 to 11.8 wt% NaCl equivalent. These characteristics of fluid inclusions are similar to those of orogenic gold mineralization systems.