摘要:Copepoda abundance, biomass and taxonomic composition were studied seasonally (April 2004 ± February 2005) in southeast Adriatic area influenced both by the Bojana River and open waters. Total Copepoda abundance showed high variability and lack of clear seasonal pattern. Copepods fauna dominated by Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus arcuicornis, Clausocalanus furcatus, Ctenocalanus vanus, Centropages kröyeri, Temora stylifera, Acartia clausi, Oithona plumifera and Euterpina acutifrons in the spring and summer communities. Forty species were identified: 28 in spring, 21 in summer, 11 in autumn and 8 in winter. The community was predominantly neritic but the open sea waters were important in structuring the copepods communities during the spring-summer period. Temperature and salinity influenced the seasonal dynamics of some species. The relationship between the Copepoda species abundance and environmental parameters varied within the group. In conclusion, clear seasonal variation and slight differences were observed in terms of the examined properties of the Copepoda taxa. Abiotic environmental variables were considered to particularly affect this variability.