摘要:One hundred samples of breast milk were gathered from five northern governorates in Jordan in 2014 and 2015 to monitor the organochlorine pesticides. The results showed that some of these pollutants were detected in the analyzed samples but in low residue concentrations, despite all organochlorine pesticides have been banned from any agricultural and health use since 27 years ago. However, the obtained results indicated that 21% of the contaminated samples contained dieldrin, 10% SS¶-DDE and 8% SS¶-DDT. In addition, these analyzed samples had no residues of aldrin, endrin, HCB, Į-HCH, ȕ-HCH, Ȗ- +&+KHSWDFKORUĮ-HQGRVXOIDQȕ-endosulfan, RS¶- DDD, RS¶-DDT, RS¶-DDE and SS¶- DDD. In conclusion, there was a decrease in the residues of organochlorine pesticides, particularly DDT and HCH group members.