摘要:As the alpine meadows are degraded globally, the remediation measures are also increasing. How- ever, there are few studies on the effects of vegeta- tion restoration on soil and plant nitrogen pools and nitrogen storage. Changes in soil and plant nitrogen depend on vegetatio11 recovery species. 111 addition, restoration of vegetation afier unrestoration can in- crease soil and plant nitrogen content. We collected four types of remediation and destruction of unre- paired soil samples and plant samples in Wugong Mountain, Jiangxi Province. By measuring alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen, total nitrogen and microbial bi- omass nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, anmionium nitro- gen, total soluble nitrogen and soluble organic nitro- gen, total nitrogen of aboveground plant, total nitro- gen of underground plant, aboveground biomass, be- lowground biomass and soil and plant nitrogen stor- age indicators to understand the change of soil and plant nitrogen pools and nitrogen storage after Vege- tation restoration. The results of the study showed that the soil nitrogen forms were significantly im- proved when Miscantlms sinensis and Carex cl1inen- sis were used for vegetation restoration. When the restoration was selected from Fimbristylis wukzmgshanensis, Arz.u-zclinella hirta and Miscantlzus sinensis, the total nitrogen of aboveground plant, to- tal nitrogen of underground plant, aboveground bio- mass, belowground biomass reached a maximum of 16.68 g'kg“, 12.03 g-kg", 9228.80kg-ha“ and 7868.44 kg-ha“, respectively. When Fimbristylis wukzmgslzanensis, A rz.ma'inelIa hirta and Miscanthus sinensis were used for vegetation restoration, the to- tal nitrogen of aboveground plant, total nitrogen of underground plant, aboveground biomass, below- ground biomass reached a maximum of 16.68 g-kg", 12.03 g-kg", 9228.80kg'ha" and 7868.44 l