摘要:In this study, data on occurrence and abun- dance of diatoms reported by the five studies car- ried out between 1991 and 2005 in the alkaline Lake Hazar were mined using univariate and multi- variate statistics. A total of 157 diatom taxa have been reported in phytoplankton, epilithon and ep- ipelon. Cymbella czfiiizis, Epithemia mrgida and Gomphonema. olivaceum were the most common taxa on the basis of relative frequency both in phy- toplankton and benthic algal associations. Hierar- chical cluster analysis clearly grouped the taxa into two major clusters, discriminating common and dominant species than rare and scarce taxa. Princi- pal component analysis, revealing the spatial and temporal variation of dominant and subdominant taxa, suggested seasonality of diatoms in different habitats of the lake. Most of the diatoms recorded in Lake Hazar that are typical alkalibiontic and oli- gotraphent species occurred rarely or scarcely in phytoplankton and periphyton. On the other hand, reaching to high abundances of meso-eutraphent species indicated a response to increased nutrients in the lake.