摘要:Abstract. A meteorological and blowing snow data set from thehigh-elevation experimental site of Col du Lac Blanc (2720ma.s.l.,Grandes Rousses mountain range, French Alps) is presented and detailed inthis paper. Emphasis is placed on data relevant to the observations andmodelling of wind-induced snow transport in alpine terrain. This processstrongly influences the spatial distribution of snow cover in mountainousterrain with consequences for snowpack, hydrological and avalanche hazardforecasting. In situ data consist of wind (speed and direction), snow depthand air temperature measurements (recorded at four automatic weatherstations), a database of blowing snow occurrence and measurements of blowingsnow fluxes obtained from a vertical profile of snow particle counters(2010–2016). Observations span the period from 1 December to 31 Marchfor each winter season from 2000–2001 to 2015–2016. The timeresolution has varied from 15min until 2014 to 10min for the last years.Atmospheric data from the meteorological reanalysis are also provided from1 August 2000 to 1 August 2016. A digital elevation model (DEM) of the studyarea (1.5km2) at 1m resolution is also provided in RGF 93 Lambert 93coordinates. This data set has been used in the past to develop and evaluatephysical parameterizations and numerical models of blowing and drifting snowin alpine terrain. Col du Lac Blanc is also a target site to evaluate meteorological and climatemodels in alpine terrain. It belongs to the CRYOBS-CLIM observatory (theCRYosphere, an OBServatory of the CLIMate), which is a part of the nationalresearch infrastructure OZCAR (Critical Zone Observatories – Application andResearch) and have been a Global Cryospheric Watch Cryonet site since 2017.The data are available from the repository of the OSUG data centrehttps://doi.org/10.17178/CRYOBSCLIM.CLB.all.