期刊名称:International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
出版社:Scientific & Academic Publishing Co.
摘要:Community-based rehabilitation is a strategy for promoting the quality of life of disabled people and protecting their rights through accessing services provided and creating equal opportunities. The present study aims at ranking the desirability indicators of community-based rehabilitation based on the analytical hierarchy process. This is an analytical study. The statistical sample comprised all experts including the director generals of Welfare Organizations, rehabilitation deputies, the chief of rehabilitation departments, rehabilitation assistants, and experts in charge of community-based rehabilitation in Tehran Province. Standard questionnaires were used to elicit data for the analytical hierarchy process which makes a pairwise comparison between primary and secondary indicators in the rehabilitation matrix. The group analytical hierarchy process technique in the Expert Choice 2000 software package was used to calculate the analytical hierarchy process in the present study. Based on the three-round Delphi among the experts, education had the highest rank among other indicators, the effect of which was 37% and empowerment ranked the last with a 7% effect. Based on the results of the present study, all the elements of community-based rehabilitation matrix points towards empowering a disabled person and enjoying their rights in every respect, whether in a family or local community.