摘要:Background: The pregnancy outcome following cervical cerclage for women with cervical incompetence is generally favourable. However, the outcome for emergency cerclage is less favourable. Methodology: A retrospective analysis of the case notes of pregnant women who underwent emergency cervical cerclage from January 2007 until December 2010 at Garkuwa Hospital and Sheehan Hospital was performed. Results: There were a total of 56 cases of cervical cerclage comprising 46 elective and 10 emergency cervical cerclage respectively. The procedure prolonged pregnancy in all the patients with the mean duration of 38 days. The outcome for emergency cerclage was 3 stillbirths (IUFD) and 7 live births (6 survived with 1 early neonatal death). Neonatal outcome was good if the initial cervical dilatation was 4 cm or less. Conclusion: Favourable outcomes should be expected in carefully selected cases and all patients should be informed of the survival rates before undergoing this procedure.