摘要:While correlating the various components of mechanical stress tensor due to elastic response with the corresponding components of electrically induced stress tensor pertaining to quadratic electrostriction, proper precautions are to be observed for higher order electromechanical coupling. Contributions from lateral stresses, electrical and mechanical boundary conditions are to be considered for the correct estimation of induced strain in elastic dielectrics. The knowledge of dependence of Maxwell’s electrostatic stresses on dielectric constants and on the orientation of dielectric material with respect to the electric field vector is necessary for the exact estimation of electrically induced strains. The contributions from the variation in transverse components of dielectric tensor produced by the variation in lateral stresses are to be incorporated into the expression for the correct estimation of electrostrictive coefficients. The electromechanical behavior of elastic dielectric is discussed and the errors often committed in using incorrect formulae for electrostriction are reported.
关键词:Elastic DielectricElectrostrictionInduced StrainLateral and Shear Stresses