摘要:Sports and recreation activities are always exposed to various safety issues before, during and after activities. Positive practices could avoid the occurrence of accidents that caused injuries to the participants. Risk management practices are the most important element in the organization or management of sports and recreation activities. This element is significant in increasing the wellbeing of a society where a safe and healthy population can be developed. Each activity that was about to be organized and the facilities provided must be free and safe from incidents that could cause injuries either direct or indirectly. The development in sports and recreation activities need the involvement of knowledgeable, skilled and qualified personnel in order to offer various products and services to the society. The products and services offered could develop a competitive and precise economy to the nation. Sports and recreation activities as well as others could offer new business prospects, services and latest products. The objective of this article was to look into and explain how risk management practices through sports and recreation activities could help assure and secure the quality and wellbeing of a society.