标题:The Favorable Settlement Relocation Process After the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Japan by Evaluating Site Environments and Accessibility
期刊名称:International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
摘要:As a new estimate, we analyzed a mismatch between public evaluation and planning decisions.In this paper, we call this mismatch “the failure of spatial planning for sustainable development”. This paper will compare two adjoining municipalities (α town and β city) that employed different settlement relocation processes after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (March 11, 2011). α town selected seven new candidate relocation sites from non surplus land of pre-existing city plan by a citizen participation and holistic land selection process.On the other hand, β city selected unused city planning sites (pre-existing), which were already planned before the 2011 disaster. The reconstruction process of α town involved citizen and public co-determination, whereas β city only determined a quick-fix solution without renewed planning. Unfortunately, most disaster reconstruction efforts in Tohoku appear similar to β city. With a field survey on 16 relocation sites in 2012, we asked 80 university students to evaluate the environments of the two municipalities' relocation sites by Semantic Differential Method. As a result, α town’s relocation sites, which are determined with citizen and public codetermination, are higher valued that of β city. Then, by overlay, analyzing the accessibility of the relocation sites with a new transportation network, we found that the accessibility of relocation sites in α town is better. Our result suggests that planning processes with low administrative agency and public participation, tend to be more successful in producing an attractive redevelopment plan.
关键词:Disaster;Citizen and public co-determination;Resilience;Community planning;Fukushima;Semantic Differential Method;Neighbourhood relocation