摘要:Seaweeds are sedentary macrophytes growing vastly on rocksand other plants in the inter–tidal and sub–tidal zone of the marineenvironment. In Bangladesh commercially important species ofseaweeds is reported to be very low.1 The rocky shore of the St.Martin’s Island is a wealthy source of various naturally growingseaweeds.2 Hydroclathrus clathratus is one of the available seaweedsfound in the St. Martin’s Island but like other seaweed species it is stillnot exploited commercially in Bangladesh. This plant is usually 10–20cm in diameter, very irregularly globose and much convoluted, withvariously sized perforations over the whole thallus having a wall of3–6 layers of cells.3 The species is reported to be used partially as foodand fertilizer in India4 and as a commercial food species in Philippines.