期刊名称:Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection
出版社:Scientific Research Pub
摘要:With the development of meteorological services, there are more and more types of real-time observation data, and the timeliness requirements are getting higher and higher. The monitoring methods of existing meteorological observation data transmission can no longer meet the needs. This paper proposes a new monitoring model, namely the “integrated monitoring model” for provincial meteorological observation data transmission. The model can complete the whole network monitoring of meteorological observation data transmission process. Based on this model, the integrated monitoring system for meteorological observation data transmission in Guangdong Province is developed. The system uses Java as the programming language, and integrates J2EE, Hibernate, Quartz, Snmp4j and Slf4j frameworks, and uses Oracle database as the data storage carrier, following the MVC specification and agile development concept. The system development uses four key technologies, including simple network management protocol, network connectivity detection technology, remote host management technology and thread pool technology. The integrated monitoring system has been put into business application. As a highlight of Guangdong’s meteorological modernization, it has played an active role in many major meteorological services.
关键词:Provincial LevelMeteorological Observation Data TransmissionIntegrated MonitoringModel DesignSNMP