期刊名称:International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
出版社:Academic Journals
摘要:The Himalayan goral, Naemorhedus goral (Hardwicke) (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) is classified as endangered internationally and vulnerable in Pakistan. Its migratory status was determined from 24thMay to 10th July, 2010 in the Pattan and Keyal Valleys, Kohistan, Pakistan. The 165 questionnaires were filled in 15 study sites (Pattan, eight study sites; Keyal, seven study sites). It is very common in the two valleys and almost everyone has seen it more often. In both Pattan and Keyal valleys, N. goralmigrates during winter season to lower areas (populated areas), in search of food and water, due to cold temperature and threats from predators and hunters. If it migrates due to predators and hunters, then it will never return to its native habitat. Its main predators are wolf, jackal and others; its hunter is man. Its life-span is 10 to 20 years. It gives birth throughout the year. Some others wildlife, such as sparrow, Passer domesticus Linnaeus, chukor, Alectoris chukar (Gray); koklass pheasant, Pucrasia macrolopha (Lesson), jackal, Canis aureus Linnaeus, monkey, Macaca mulatta Zimmermann andwolf, Canis lupus Linnaeus etc. were also found during the present survey. Its native habitat and migratory areas should be protected.
关键词:Keyal valley;Kohistan;migration;Naemorhedus goral;native habitat;Pattan valleys;vantage point