摘要:Shortly after the August 26-27, 2006 symposiumin Golden, Colorado, honoring Bill’s lifetime achieve-ments, my wife and I took a mini-vacation to the GhostRanch area of north-central New Mexico. The area wasmade famous by the landscape paintings of Americanartist Georgia O’Keefe (1887-1986), who was a long-time resident of the village of Abiquiu, 85 km northwestof Santa Fe (Text-fig. 1). We stopped in Abiquiu forlunch at Bode’s General Store, an iconic building thathas served “… travelers, hunters, pilgrims, stray art-ists, and bandits since 1893.” Their website encourageseveryone to stop because you “… never know what orwho you’ll find here!” What I found on a large rackof tourist postcards was a quirky image that made melaugh out loud and think of Bill Cobban.