摘要:In 2013 (Kennedy, in Kennedy, Walaszczyk, Gale,Dembicz and Praszkier, 2013, p. 642) I designated aslectotype of Sharpeiceras falloti(Collignon, 1931), theoriginal of Collignon’s (1931) pl. 8 (4), fig. 10, a spec-imen from the Cenomanian east of Antsirane, Mada-gascar, and referred the paratype figured on pl. 8 (4), fig.9, from the Cenomanian of the Vallée de la Betaitra, alsoin Madagascar, to the species. I suggested that the twoother figured paratypes (the originals of figures 11 and12 on the same plate), from the Cenomanian of theSkoenberg, in northern KwaZulu-Natal, might belong toa different species. When making these observations, Ioverlooked the previous designation of one of theKwaZulu-Natal specimens, the original of Collignon’s(1931) pl. 8 (4), fig. 11, as lectotype of Sharpeicerasfallotiby Wright and Kennedy (1987, p. 129). Revisionof the specimens of Sharpeiceras from KwaZulu-Natal(Kennedy and H. C. Klinger, in preparation), has con-vinced me that the syntypes of Sharpeiceras falloti in-deed represent two distinct species. The originals of Col-lignon’s pl. 8 (4), figs 11, 12, one of which wasdesignated lectotype by Wright and Kennedy, should beassigned to falloti. The specimens from Vohipaly, Mada-gascar (Kennedy in Kennedy et al. 2013, p. 642, pl. 5,figs 1–14) are a different, distinct species, for which thename Sharpeiceras australe is proposed below.
关键词:Ammonites;Cenomanian;Cretaceous;Madagascar;South Africa