摘要:It was brought to the authors' attention that there was an error in the SPSS syntax for the regressionmodels analyzing the main effects. We had recoded the SES variable so that higher numberscorresponded to a higher SES. We did not use the recoded value in our syntax for the main effects model,resulting in the regression coefficient having the opposite sign. In addition, the description of thedirectionality for the greed prime on unethical behaviour was incorrectly reported in the results section.Overall the corrections do not affect the main conclusion drawn from the study: Across four independentreplications investigating the interaction between greed prime and SES on unethical behaviour, a nearzero effect size was found. We regret the error in reporting the main effects. Though this error did notaffect the focal hypothesis, we believe it is important to address this issue for the sake of open science, andin case these findings are used in future studies or meta-analyses. We are grateful to Dr Piff and hiscolleagues for bringing this to our attention.