摘要:The release of nitrogenous compounds from river sediments to the interstitial and overlying water with high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels was studied in three apparatuses which were operated under intermittent aeration for 20, 10 and 5 hours respectively. The process with low DO levels was also evaluated. Water and sediment samples were collected from the Jialu River of Zhengzhou City of China and studied through a large number of simulation experiments which lasted for 55 days thoroughly. This study indicates that under high DO levels (DO=7~ 8 mg L-1), nitrification and denitrification are the principal processes and the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen can reach approximately 100%. Besides, shortcut nitrification-denitrification and aerobic denitrification is also discovered during this process. While under low DO levels (DO=2~ 3 mg L-1), the concentration of nitrite nitrogen is only about one fifth of that of high DO levels because nitritation is weak. The removal rate of ammonia just reaches approximately 50%.