摘要:In order to improve the denoising effect of the pulsar signal, a new denoising method is proposed in the no-subsampling wavelet packet domain based on the local Laplace prior model. First, we count the true noise-free pulsar signal's wavelet packet coefficient distribution characteristics and construct the true signal wavelet packet coefficients' Laplace probability density function model. Then, we estimate the denosied wavelet packet coefficients by using the noisy pulsar wavelet coefficients based on maximum a posteriori criteria. Finally, we obtain the denoisied pulsar signal through no-subsampling wavelet packet reconstruction of the estimated coefficients. The experimental results show that the proposed method performs better when calculating the pulsar time of arrival than the translation-invariant wavelet denoising method.
关键词:astrometry – galaxies: fundamental parameters – methods: data analysis – pulsars: general