摘要:AbstractAdaptive CACC strategies have been recently proposed to stabilize a platoon with non-identical and uncertain vehicle dynamics (heterogeneous platoon). This work proposes a method to augment such strategies with a mechanism coping with saturation constraints (i.e. engine constraints). In fact, in a platoon of heterogeneous vehicles, engine constraints might lead to loss of cohesiveness. The proposed mechanism is based on making the reference dynamics (i.e the dynamics to which the platoon should homogenize) ‘not too demanding’, by applying a properly designed saturation action. Such saturation action will allow all vehicles in the platoon not to hit their engine bounds. Cohesiveness will then be achieved at the price of losing some performance, which is in line with the state of art studies on this topic. Simulations on a platoon of 5 vehicles are conducted to validate the theoretical analysis.
关键词:KeywordsCooperative adaptive cruise controlengine constraintsheterogeneous platoonmodel reference adaptive control