摘要:Development of hazard maps is one of the measures promoted by theinternational community to reduce risk. Hazard maps provide informationabout the probability of given areas to be affected by one or severalhazards. As such they are useful tools to evaluate risk and support thedevelopment of safe policies. So far studies combining hazard mapping withaccessibility to services are few. In hazardous environments, accessibilityof the population to strategic infrastructure is important because emergencyservices and goods will principally be offered at or provided from theselocations. If a road segment is blocked by a hazard, accessibility toservices may be affected, or worse, people may be completely disconnectedfrom specific services. The importance of each road segment in the transportnetwork as a connecting element enabling access to relevant services istherefore critical information for the authorities. In this study, wepropose a new application of hazard mapping which aims to define theimportance of each road segment in the accessibility to services, taking intoaccount the probability of being affected by a hazard. By iterativelyremoving one segment after the other from the road network, changes inaccessibility to critical infrastructure are evaluated. Two metrics of roadsegment importance considering the population affected and the hazardprobability are calculated for each segment: a road accessibility riskmetric and a users' path vulnerability metric. Visualization of these roadmetrics is a useful way of valuing hazard maps and may help to supportdiscussions about the development of new infrastructure, road capacityincrease and maintenance of existing infrastructures, and evacuationprocedures.