摘要:Nowadays, there is an increased interest in exploring the exact waywhich corporate ethical values impact employees’ motivation and performance [52],[60]. Corporate ethical values (CEV) have gained special interest in the lastdecades due to financial scandals (such as Enron, WorldCom) that had a greatimpact on economic world [17]. Literature [11] suggests that corporate ethicsinfluence a firm’s effectiveness and survival. This study approaches corporateethical values as a motivating factor that affects employees’ performance.Hence, it was studied among other motivators such as fair wages, promotionincentives, self-esteem and creativity shedding light on their impact on workperformance. A case study method was used and a sum of 189 questionnaires weregathered from a private institution and analyzed with SPSS software. Fortriangulation reasons, secondary data were also collected and an interview witha top manager was conducted. Creative work and self-esteem were evaluatedhigher than the rest of the motivators. Regression analysis revealed that workperformance was significantly explained by pay incentives, self-esteem andcorporate ethical values.