期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Business Management
摘要:The personal health information (PHI) is an activity among the health-care providers and the patients in terms of managing the data which is sensitive to the parties. The PHI data have been maintained by multiple health-care providers, thus resulting in separated data. Moreover, the PHI data are stored in the provider’s database, hence the patients have no authority to manage their own information. Therefore, in this article, we propose a conceptual model for managing the PHI data which is derived from several health-care providers by relying on the blockchain technology in the peer-to-peer overlay network. In addition, we elaborate the security analysis that might be occurring in the proposed model. By leveraging on our model, it allows the patients and the providers to collect effectively the PHI data onto a single view as well guarantee of data integrity. The blockchain offers an immutable of the data record without having to trust a third party. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is promising to be developed due to the high success rate in terms of data dissemination.