摘要:Noise as one the important hazardous factors in workplace, which can lead to health injury, decrease insafety and efficiency and financial loss for companies and factories. To control noise in a specific industry,awareness of its sound characteristics such as environmental sound level, worker’s exposures level andnoise frequency distribution is substantial at different stations. The aim of this research is to describe thesound characteristics of equipments, and to investigate the sound exposure level of workers in Tobaccoindustry. Within this context, environmental noise and frequency analysis in five main parts of the plant weremeasured. Based on ISO: 9612 standards, the A-weighted sound pressure level was measured in 565stations using CEL-257 sound level meter. According to ACGIH guideline noise, areas were divided intothree groups including safe area, caution area and danger area. Noise analysis in one octave band andcomputation of the workers’ exposure level of 8 hours were performed in 21 points of danger areas (>85dBA).The maximum and minimum sound pressure levels were in cigarette workplace 2(b) with 95.5 dB (A) and incigarette workplace 4 with 68.2 dB (A) respectively. Correlation test between environmental sound levelsand 8 hours noise exposure indicates their high relation (sign: 0.000. Pearson co: 0.944). Frequency analysisresults have shown that most sound levels were at frequency 500 to 2 KHz and in most measurementpoints, sound level was high at frequency 4 KHz in which makes the PTS risk subsequently.