摘要:Discharge of industrial wastewater to surface or groundwater pollutes the environment. Therefore, treatmentof any kind of wastewater before letting it off as effluent is always necessary to prevent contamination ofnatural systems, especially water. In this regard choosing an effective treatment system assumes importance.Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) system has proven to offer substantial benefits to alternative conventionalflow systems for the biological treatment of both domestic and industrial wastewaters. Operationally, SBR isextremely flexible in its ability to meet many different treatment objectives, while physically it is very simple.Sequencing batch (fill-and-draw) biological reactors can be operated to provide equalization, treatment, andsedimentation in the same set of reactors. The wastewaters can be held in the treatment systems until thedesired effluent quality is achieved. The above results were obtained through the experiments carried out ina pharmaceutical industry. The effluents generated by the industry are pretreated and taken to evaporationsystem. The effluent condensate generated, containing organic load is taken to sequencing batch reactor forfurther treatment. The results are very encouraging and cost effective. This paper describes the SBR physicalsystem and explains approaches to develop the design needed to meet different treatment objectives.