摘要:This study is focused to improve strength and durability properties of green concrete with E-waste asfine (10%, 20% and 30%) and coarse aggregates (5%, 10% and 15%) replacement in fibre reinforcedgreen concrete with 30% of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) for the replacement ofcement. Since the reuse of electronic waste and the waste industrial by-product GGBS was used inthis study, this also aims to design a green concrete with E-waste. The findings from this study showthat E-waste as fine aggregate attained lesser compressive strength, whereas E-waste as coarseaggregate replacement exhibited similar compressive strength compared to control concrete. Theresults of splitting tensile strength and flexural strength of E-waste as fine and coarse aggregatereplacement mixtures were superior to that of normal concrete. The chloride ion penetration of controlconcrete was low, whereas for E-waste concrete mixtures moderate chloride ion penetration wasobserved. The overall performance of E-waste as fine and coarse aggregates replacement incompressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and chloride ion penetration was dueto the combined pozzolanic action of GGBS, increase in the tensile behaviour due to the presence ofsteel fibres and good bonding of E-waste aggregates.