摘要:Monitoring of ambient air quality parameters (PM10, PM2.5 and NH3) levels in the vicinity of a urea fertilizerplant located at Aonla, (U.P.) India, was carried out using the respirable dust sampler. The specificobjectives were the determination of temporal variability of levels of ambient air pollutants and theirrelationship with the fertilizer plant emissions. Samples were collected for 3 consecutive years (2013-2015) from 5 different locations in the industrial area and the quantity of pollutants in the sample wereexperimentally analysed using the National Ambient Air Quality Standards recognized procedure, in anenvironmental management lab recognized by UP Pollution Control Board. The results showed amarked seasonal trend and temporal variability of pollutant levels in the study area that were higher inwinter and lower in summer, while in rainy period levels were far less than other seasons. Annualmean PM10, PM2.5 and NH3 concentrations were found to be 30.574 µg/m3, 8.109 µg/m3, 22.024 µg/m3 foryear 2013, 30.046 µg/m3, 8.129 µg/m3, 22.220 µg/m3 for year 2014 and 30.324 µg/m3, 8.361 µg/m3,23.254 µg/m3 for year 2015 respectively. The concentration in the study region was jointly influencedby anthropogenic emission and regional natural processes, especially dust events and precipitation.The 24-hr values for PM10, PM2.5 and NH3 in all the years from 2013 to 2015 were found to be lower thanthe prescribed limits of National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which prove the efficiency of theexisting pollution control systems being implemented in the plant premises and the scope for newtechnology which could help in further lowering the emissions.