摘要:Solid waste of each municipal corporation is diversified in nature and highly dependent on the type ofarea from where it has been collected. There are many options for handling and disposing off thesewastes. Composting is a natural biological process in which degradable part of waste is transformedinto a stable material with excellent characteristics for application on soils. This makes the recycling oforganic waste as soil amendments, a useful alternative to incineration, landfill or rubbish dumps. Forsustainable development of potent fungal strains, they require critical adaptation by acclimatizationprocess through semicontinuously maintained shake flask technique. During the experiment, thefungal strains were exposed to periodic simultaneous acceleration in quantitative content of individualselected nutrient as a substrate. The acclimatization program was conducted for the development ofpotent fungal strains which were characterized for ecofriendly, sustainable and efficient compostingprocess.
Fungal strains;
Municipal Solid Waste