摘要:Air pollution has drastically increased now-a-days due to rapid urbanization and industrialization.There are many sources of air pollution, but the predominant one is caused by burning of coal inThermal Power Plant (TPP). The TPPs are the major sources of electricity production, especially indeveloping countries like India. The non-conventional energy sources like solar or wind will producepollution-free electricity, unfortunately they are in their infancy, and hence the conventional TPP usageis still encouraged. The installation of new TPPs for pollution free electricity production is nearlyimpossible, hence optimizing existing TPPs for air pollution reduction and maximizing electricity productionis of prime importance. This can be achieved by constructing a mathematical model of TPPs andoptimizing the same. There are many mathematical techniques to model optimization of air pollution andpower generation. This paper proposes a new mathematical model for TPPs based on multiple objectivesto be optimized simultaneously. Further, it integrates multi-objectives with Weighted distance Grey WolfOptimizer (WdGWO) for minimizing air pollution and maximizing electricity generation of Delhi ThermalPower Plants. The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed mathematicalmodel and the algorithm.
关键词:Thermal power plant;
Swarm intelligence;
Grey wolf optimizer;
Air pollution