摘要:The present study was carried out to evaluate the trophic condition of Nagin Lake, Kashmir, based onits limnological features and bacterial load. A total of 15 limnological parameters were analysed,besides the bacterial load. The average values recorded were: air temperature (16.19±1.23°C), watertemperature (12.40±0.92°C), depth (3.14±0.14 m), transparency (1.93±0.07m), TDS (149.52±5.66mg.L-1), TSS (95.63±3.27 mg.L-1), pH (8.42±0.07), conductivity (260.61±12.16 µScm-1), dissolved oxygen(6.96±0.13 mg.L-1), free carbon-dioxide (0.55±0.20 mg.L-1), ammonia (199.6±10.34 µg.L-1), nitrate(399.94±203µg.L-1), total phosphorus (492.12±21.79µg.L-1), orthophosphate (50.06± 2.83µg.L-1) andchlorophyll-a (13.43±0.86µg.L-1). Most of the parameters recorded higher values during the warmerseasons of summer and autumn. The bacterial load showed an increasing trend from winter tosummer, showing its direct relation with temperature and inverse relation with the dissolved oxygencontent. Carlson’s Trophic State Index was used to calculate the trophic state of the lake whichshowed higher values, suggesting the deteriorating condition of the lake water.
Bacterial count;
Nagin Lake;
Carlson’s Index;
Trophic state