摘要:Periphyton is an entire community of organisms and its productivity is quite significant in relation to totalprimary production, which is often equal to or exceeding as biomass (ash free dry weight) in terms ofphytopigment content (chlorophyll-a) to assess water pollution. Productivity is caused by increasednutrient enrichment due to sewage and agro-industries. Periphyton is useful as biological indicator ofwater pollution. Several biotic and abiotic environmental factors are affected due to periphyton growth.Its growth depends upon some factors such as temperature, light, pH, DO and nutrients (N and P).Productivity is often limited by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability as periphyton use Ncompounds and phosphorus for their growth. Chlorophyll-a alone is an inadequate predictor of therelative contribution of different algal communities to the total primary production. Periphyton productionis associated with various factors and can be evaluated by physico-chemical, chlorophyll and biomassestimation and causes several deleterious effects to water quality.
Biological indicator;
Water pollution