摘要:The present study deals with the effects of upstream spatio-temporal land use land cover (LULC)changes on downstream by the use of Landsat and Google Earth data in Kelantan, PeninsularMalaysia. The study involves mosaic of multi-temporal satellite data of Landsat-5 TM of 2005 andLandsat-8 OLI_TIRS of 2015, which have been analysed visually. The study reveals that the effect ofmajor spatio-temporal LULC changes of upstream can cause river overflows and flash flood atdownstream. The major LULC changes noticed were decrease in dense forest 798.89 km 2 (5.30%) atup and midstream and mixed horticulture 263.34 km 2 (1.74%) at mid and downstream, while increasein forest (416.82 km 2 ) at midstream and scrub (190.62 km 2 ) at upstream due to transformation fromdense forest. Furthermore, increment in uncultivated land (68.33 km 2 ) and palm oil (372.66 km 2 )plantation activities at both up and midstream was observed. The accuracy assessment result of thestudy shows that study was accurate with overall accuracy of 91.4%.
Land use land cover;
Remote sensing;