摘要:Environmental pollution of heavy metals from automobiles has attained much attention in the recent past.Plants are known to bind carbon-dioxide (CO 2 ) through photosynthesis, and they have become aninvaluable tool in attempts to minimize air pollution. In India, some highways and national highways arecovered by common plant species, but the plants (Azadirachta indica, Bougainvillea spectabilis,Cassia fistula, Ficus religiosa and Polyalthia iongifolia) are subjected to air pollution by heavy metals(Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu, Cd). These metals are released during different operations of the road transport suchas combustion, component wear, fluid leakage and corrosion of metals and other activities (mineralsmining, stone crusher industries). The majority of the heavy metals are toxic to the living organisms andeven those considered as essential can be toxic if present in excess. The heavy metals can impairimportant biochemical processes affecting the plant growth and development. Traffic-related pollutantshave detrimental effects on the environment. However, the effect of these heavy metals on plants is notwell known. The study aimed to comparatively analyse the anatomical and morphological changes inroadside plants and heavy metal accumulation in selective roadside plants.