摘要:The world is experiencing deteriorating climatic changes which are significantly resulting from theincreased emission of greenhouse gases. This research highlights the major activities of a textileindustry that release greenhouse gases and then focuses on calculating the carbon foot print of theindustry for last 5 years. Further, this study also links up the calculated carbon footprint with theenvironmental sustainability. The methodology adopted to calculate carbon footprint was in accordanceto the GHG protocol guidelines. The study emphasizes the different emission sources including scope1 emission which take into account direct emissions resulting from industry owned activities. Thescope 2 are indirect emissions that emit due to the purchase of electricity, natural gas and the biogasemissions resulting from waste disposal. Scope 3 emissions were not accounted in the current studybased upon its complexity. Scope 1 emissions were found to contribute greatest in total carbonfootprint. The results symbolized an ascending trend in the carbon footprint of the industry over pastfive years. This ascending trend also denoted that very less environmental sustainability has beenachieved by the industry in last five years. Carbon footprint calculated for the base year 2014 was42867.72tCO 2 e.